Responsive Email Templates
Whether you need custom graphics or have a library of pre-made assets I can work to make sure the design of marketing templates matches you or your clients’ specific brand identity. I can cut up and optimize a Photoshop document in my sleep but would also be excited to design professional graphics from the ground up. Over the past 3 years I have designed countless marketing templates that are consistently eye-catching and generate clicks.
Most email templates today rely heavily on a HTML/CSS framework. I can code a responsive email template from scratch or tweak an existing template to make sure it functions correctly in all browsers and clients. Much of my time is spent tweaking code in Litmus and then reviewing the rendering. I am familiar with the guidelines that land emails in the inbox instead of the spam folder. These guidelines are far from standardized and there is always work and testing to be done to ensure the emails land in the inbox instead of the junk folder.
Take a look at the embedded example below to get a feel for what one of my live emails looks like.
After a campaign is designed, coded, and launched the work is not over yet. I have been a part of many improvement meetings discussing the click through statistics. Sometimes a change to graphics, subject lines, copy, offers, or a redesign of the whole campaign is necessary. I can offer my input from experience and collaborate with clients and marketing teams to achieve success.